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Coronal Mass Ejection
Catalog: M2M_CATALOG
Start Time: 2024-12-23T11:36Z ( SOHO: LASCO/C2 )
All Detecting Spacecrafts:
Activity ID: 2024-12-23T11:36:00-CME-001 (version 1)
Source Location: S18E30
Active Region Number: 13932
Note Keyword:
Source Signature Keyword:
FLR: Flare
DIM: Dimming
Morphology Keyword:
Note: This CME is visible to the south in SOHO LASCO C2/C3 imagery and is not observed in STEREO A COR2 due to limited imagery from an ongoing campaign. There is an overlapping CME which appears directed towards the southwest starting around 2024-12-23T11:48Z which may be associated with far-sided activity and is separate from this event. The source is likely associated with the M8.9 flare and subsequent eruption from Active Region 13932 (S18E30) starting around 2024-12-23T11:10Z as seen in GOES SUVI 131, 171, 195, 284, 304 imagery. Ejected material is observed best in GOES SUVI 304 imagery which appears to deflect south of the eruption site. Additionally, dimming is observed south/southwest of the eruption site, centered near S35E20 in GOES SUVI 195 imagery around 2024-12-23T11:15Z.
Submitted on 2024-12-23T17:07Z by Mattie
A Notification with ID
20241223-AL-006 was sent on 2024-12-23T18:13Z
A Notification with ID
20241224-AL-001 was sent on 2024-12-24T12:53Z
The List of CME Analysis already entered: |
Event Type |
Catalog |
Measurement TypeCME measurement type: Leading Edge (LE), Shock Front (SH), Right Hand Boundary (RHB), Left Hand Boundary (LHB), Black/White Boundary (BW), Prominence Core (COR), Disconnection Front (DIS), Trailing Edge (TE). |
Prime?"primary flag" which is either True or False. If there are multiple CME analysis entries for a single CME, this flag would indicate which analysis is considered most accurate per measurement type. This is a helpful flag if you would like to download only one most accurate CME analysis per CME per Measurement Type |
Technique |
Long |
Lat |
Speed |
Type |
Half Width |
Time 21.5 |
Note |
WSA-ENLIL+Cone Result(s) |
Submitted By |
CME Analysis
true |
-2.0 |
-48.0 |
823.0 |
C |
45.0 |
2024-12-23T15:39Z |
Measurement based loosely on the source location, taking into account the observed southern deflection of the eruption with respect to the on-disk source location. There is no stereoscopic viewpoint available for this event due to an ongoing campaign in STEREO A COR2 imagery. The measured parameters may vary as a result. |
1: Result 1 (2.0 AU)
Earth = 2024-12-25T19:16Z
Europa Clipper = 2024-12-26T13:19Z
Juice = 2024-12-25T04:35Z
Lucy = 2024-12-25T22:10Z
Mars = 2024-12-27T16:09Z
STEREO A = 2024-12-26T00:38Z
Solar Orbiter = 2024-12-25T22:00Z
2: Result 2 (5.5 AU)
Earth = 2024-12-25T19:04Z
Europa Clipper = 2024-12-26T13:02Z
Juice = 2024-12-25T04:36Z
Lucy = 2024-12-25T21:56Z
Mars = 2024-12-27T15:42Z
STEREO A = 2024-12-26T00:32Z
Solar Orbiter = 2024-12-25T22:00Z
Mattie Anastopulos on 2024-12-23T17:12Z |
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